Kingston’s LibDems have admitted to no longer using the services of the Plain English Campaign when putting together their ‘Confusing’ consultations.
At Kingston’s full Council meeting this week, Conservative councillor Ian George asked of the LibDem Portfolio Holder for Consultation: “What payments has Kingston Council made to the Plain English Campaign, relating to the Crystal Mark standards and training?”
The question was asked as the Plain English Campaign mentions Kingston Council on their website, as having used their services in the past. However, the Lib Dem spokesperson for consultation admitted that Kingston Council no longer paid for help from them.
Cllr Ian George responded: “Maybe it’s time that Kingston Council did pay for some training. Looking at some of the recent online consultations, particularly the one relating to access to council housing changes, it was just not clear and understandable for anyone without an in depth knowledge of housing rules and laws. The language and layout put barriers in the way of people who might have been interested. Will you consider investing in further training, or paying for advice to ensure future online consultation can be better understood by all?”
The response from the LibDems was that they would look into the possibility. Here’s hoping!