Councillor Ian George is celebrating success after offensive graffiti was finally cleared from Victoria Road after more than 6 months.
Conservative councillor Ian George said: "This offensive graffiti had been written large and visible to all in Surbiton high street for well over 6 months. After many months of complaints and inaction from LibDem-run Kingston Council, I decided to submit an official written question to the full Council meeting. Finally action has been taken. It seems the only way that Kingston Council will take action is by publicly shaming them. Surbiton deserves better than this."
The question submitted to Kingston Council from Cllr George read:
‘Halfway along the main shopping street in Surbiton, at the beginning of the cut-through to the St Phillips Road car park, there is graffiti. The graffiti is of the words ’Fu*k you!’ written large for all children, families and shoppers to see. The graffiti has been there for at least 6 months, and has been reported to the council. It is on obvious view to anyone who visits Surbiton shops, including Council employees and councillors. Whether just on private land or not, it is totally unacceptable for Kingston Council to completely wash their hands of it. What actions has Kingston Council taken to have the offensive graffiti removed so far? Will any urgent action be taken now?’